In following problems you need to identify last remaining place, where points could be gained, or reduced. The gained points are marked in the correct answer. The lost reduction opportunities are marked in wrong variations.
У наступних задачах вам потрібно визначити останнє місце, де можна здобути або зменшити очки. Набрані очки позначені у правильній відповіді. Утрачені можливості скорочення позначені у неправильних варіаціях.
In following problems you need to identify last remaining place, where points could be gained, or reduced. The gained points are marked in the correct answer. The lost reduction opportunities are marked in wrong variations.
11 months ago
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Alt + Home
Navigate to the first translation in the current search.
Alt + End
Navigate to the last translation in the current search.
Alt + PageUp or
Ctrl + ↑ or
Alt + ↑ or
Cmd + ↑ or
Navigate to the last translation in the current search.
Alt + PageDown or
Ctrl + ↓ or
Alt + ↓ or
Cmd + ↓ or
Navigate to the next translation in the current search.
Ctrl + Enter or
Cmd + Enter
Submit current form; this works the same as pressing Save and continue while editing translation.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter or
Cmd + Shift +Enter
Unmark translation as Needing edit and submit it.
Alt + Enter or
Option + Enter
Submit the string as a suggestion; this works the same as pressing Suggest while editing translation.
Ctrl + E or
Cmd + E
Focus on translation editor.
Ctrl + U or
Cmd + U
Focus on comment editor.
Ctrl + M or
Cmd + M
Shows Automatic suggestions tab.
Ctrl + 1 to
Ctrl + 9 or
Cmd + 1 to
Cmd + 9
Copies placeable of a given number from source string.
Ctrl + M followed by
1 to 9 or
Cmd + M followed by
1 to
Copy the machine translation of a given number to current translation.
Ctrl + I followed by
1 to
9 or
Cmd + I followed by
1 to
The gained points are marked in the correct answer. The lost reduction opportunities are marked in wrong variations.
Набрані очки позначені у правильній відповіді. Утрачені можливості скорочення позначені у неправильних варіаціях.