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The game starts with 4 stones are on the board as shown in the diagram.
Black player starts the game. Each player plays a single stone of their own color. A player can play to any empty intersection. A player may not pass. Once the stone is played it is never moved to another intersection.
ç©å®¶ä¸æ¹æ é»åï¼å¦ä¸æ¹æ ç½åãæ£ç¤æ¯ 9 縱ã9 æ©«çæ ¼ç·äº¤æèæï¼å³ 9 è·¯æ£ç¤ã玩家一方持 黑子,另一方持 白子。棋盤是 9 縱、9 橫的格線交會而成,即 9 路棋盤。å°å±éå§æå¦åé¢ä¸æ示å¨æ£ç¤ä¸æ¾ç½® 4 åã
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對局開始時如圖面上所示在棋盤上放置 4 子。
對局開始,黑方先下。依次一人一手。玩家可將棋子放置於任一格線交會的空點上。玩家必須待棋子再也沒有可下的空點時,才可以 虚手。